Wednesday, July 11, 2012

hello, wednesday.

i'm taking this week in slowly.
obviously, since it's already wednesday.  ;)

i'm trying to get back in the swing of things after a fun weekend camping with friends.

our dear friends who live in north india are here for a short visit.
so thankful we made a plan to go camping together so that we could have some intentional, uninterrupted time together.

i love camping.
the boys love camping.
it was so, so great.
also so, so hot.

we made great memories.
the boys loved getting to spend all morning fishing and swimming in the lake.

aj and i don't really know what we're doing when it comes to fishing, but we try our best for the boys.

avery seemed to enjoy it the most.
he sat out there for hours trying to catch one.
he was in his element for sure.

uncle dave taught fin how to clean a fish.
we were enthralled.
fin loves gross stuff and i wanted to learn how to do it for future reference.
i think i could do it. ;)

i love swimming in a lake.
always have, always will.
it's so beautiful and peaceful.

and if you don't have a raft, you can just throw your queen sized blow up mattress in the lake and go for it. {that is not our group with the mattresses, btdub}. {only in arkansas}

i love camp food....s'mores, hobos, roasted hot dogs, anything that tastes like fire really.
there was a burn ban in effect so we couldn't grill out like we planned, but we made the most of it and had a blast.
we even made s'mores in the oven and they were really good!

the kids {especially avery} were obsessed with climbing up the chimney.
they spent a lot of time climbing around those rocks.

i love camping but i also love the feeling of getting home and getting clean and sleeping in my own bed.
also, i've never been so thankful for my ac!

happy weekend....happy memories....yay camping. :)

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