Tuesday, November 13, 2012

a kitchen update

i did a little kitchen rearranging yesterday.

it's looked pretty much the same as it did the last time i showed you in april.

we've had this same wall o' white plates since our last house and i have just gotten tired of it.

i've had in my mind for months now to move the chalkboard to this wall so i finally did it.
as in, starting pulling white plates off the wall while the kids were eating lunch.
i love love love this chalkboard i made with a vintage frame but the scale has been off on that other wall.
it works so much better here.

i was going to put the white plates in the booth but i loved the way they looked all stacked up so i decided to keep them.
at least for now.

a little milk glass and acorns never hurt anybody.

found this plate yesterday while thrifting.
it had to come home with me.
it is awesome in every way.

 i  still need to figure out something to go on the right wall but i did find an awesome woven tray for the back wall.
the tray was also found while thrifting....intended for the booth but i just couldn't part with it.

can you blame me?
the texture, the subtle arrows, the vintage dreaminess of it all....this may become a problem....

i love a quick rearrange that makes me like a room so much more....but i wish i wouldn't take so long to make changes!

every single item on that table is thrifted.
i call that a success. :)

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  1. Very nice! Where is this booth? I think I need to shop there! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, so pretty! I love, love, love, the airiness of the room. I am now inspired to change a room around. :)


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