Friday, November 30, 2012


helloooo friday.

always good to see you.

welcome, welcome to weekly roundup of instagram pics from the week {i'm itsgoodtobequeen}.

so this was a bit of a slow week for me on instagram.

here is a beauty from wednesday.

not cute.
you can see the bags under my eyes.
poor aj came home to a tired, bedraggled mama and 3 kids still in pajamas.
this was our "daddy please come home!" instagram.
it was a long day....some days just go like that.
thankfully, in the words of Anne Shirley, tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it.

also, thankfully, my boys go to a university model school {they attend school two days a week and homeschool the other three} so i do get a break from schooling on tuesdays and thursdays.
and i need it, honestly.
as much as i love having them home those three days, i am also thankfully for the easier pace of tuesdays and thursdays.

on thursday mornings my two littlest go to mother's day out so i have a blessed few hours to be by myself.
i have learned that i need regular alone time so i do always look forward to thursday mornings and the  peaceful afternoons i get if they both nap.
it doesn't last long, but i am thankful for it.

yesterday morning i brought in some new items to the booth and did some styling.

i am loving our booth!
it is so much fun.
i love finding new treasures for it and i love arranging everything.

i am trying to regularly add pictures to the sweet petunia album on my facebook page.
if you want to see what new items i'm adding, just like the page and you'll be updated.
also, if you see something you have to have and you're not local, let me know i'll see what i can do. :)

okay i'm linking up again this week with jeannett at life rearranged for instafriday. :)
join me?

life rearranged

p.s. i'm planning to link up my christmas mantel on monday with the lettered cottage for her holiday link party. i can't wait to see all the pretty mantels!

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1 comment:

  1. love that booth! My family still uses those "vintage" Christmas lights on our house :) I think my dad will fight to the death to not have to use LED's!


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