Tuesday, November 27, 2012

generous tuesday

black friday. check.
cyber monday. check.

today is generous tuesday.
let's look outward, shall we?

we're constantly trying to teach this to our kids.
there are opportunities daily to put others first.
if you don't see these opportunities, ask God to make you aware of the needs around you.
and maybe, you need to get your life messed up a bit more. . . just a gentle nudge . . . no judgement here. ;)

today while at a thrift store with my two littlest, there was a little girl who was clearly hurting.
she looked, maybe three years old, and just as full of anger and hatred as anybody i've ever seen.
she followed us around the store cursing at us and trying to hit sawyer.
my heart was/is broken for her.
i wanted to scoop her up in my arms and show her Jesus sweet, tender love for her.
i couldn't do that, but i could call her sweetie and smile at her and look at her with love in my eyes.
i keep thinking of her and praying for her.

i believe Jesus will show us the hurting and bring them right to us, if we're open to it.

if you're wondering how you can live generously this holiday season, may i suggest  sponsoring a child through compassion?
compassion is an amazing, holistic ministry, to children and families all over the world.
$38 a month is nothing compared to the changing a child's entire life.
when you decide to sponsor, you can choose a child who has been waiting the longest.
there are many children who have been waiting well over a year.
what a blessing it would be for them to find out that they have been chosen!!

you know what is awesome?
they have a compassion catalog.
you can look through it with your children and choose items to buy for children registered in compassion's programs.
you could buy a family live stock.
life. changing.

you could buy clean water.
you can buy medical care for a year for a baby.
you can buy care for a child waiting for a sponsor.
you can help an entrepreneur start a business.

i could go on and on.
but these are the kinds of gifts i want to give this christmas.

my friend, betsy, said to me once, "if we have anything at all, we have enough to share."
i have thought of that over and over.
she was actually referring to me borrowing some clothes for meliyah, but it relates to every part of life, doesn't it?

how are you living generously this holiday season?
how are you and your family looking outward?

let's share ideas, okay? ;)

Donate to Compassion International Water of Life

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  1. Your my favorite, living it up today for generous Tuesday's:)

  2. This year, our family has decided that instead of giving/receiving gifts, we are going to use all of the money we receive and all of the money we would traditionally spend on gifts and instead give it ALL away to those in need. Just last night, we chose what we would use our money for: building a well for those without water, supporting Dalit Freedom Network and their Christmas matching program for outcast children to go to school and women to learn trades, buying a basketball hoop for a sports ministry in Ireland for some missionaries we support, and giving to Amazima ministry because we've recently read Kisses for Katie as a family and my boys' hearts (ages 9 and 6) are drawn to Katie, her family, Uganda, and their ministry. We also plan to do some "random acts of kindness" in our own neighborhood. The boys were a little resistant at first, but they have quickly gotten into the spirit of giving.


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