Tuesday, November 6, 2012

gitter done.

happy election day!

have you gone to vote yet?

the littles and i were waiting in line early this morning with snacks in tow. . .  which we spilled all over the carpet, incidentally.

also, i'm pretty sure we left a half eaten twizzler somewhere in there.
sorry about that, guys.

also, i wore sweat pants and looked a hot mess and pretty much fulfilled the SAHM stereotype this morning.
and if that wasn't enough i dragged our snack-covered, sweat pants wearing selves to target after that.
halloween clearance was calling our name and we came a runnin.

you know i ran into a ton of people that i know.
you never run into people when you're looking sassy.

little mr. brown eyes talked me into a darth vader costume.
i realized when we got home that we already had one.
maybe not as fancy, but still.

i'm not too sad over it, since it was $3.50.
and honestly, it is hard to resist that little boy.
hard. to. resist.
heaven help me.

okay back to the vote.
i feel so privileged and happy today that we get to vote.

last month we watched argo. 
have you seen that movie?
so. good.
it was such a good reminder that we are so, so fortunate to live in the country that we do.
it's not perfect...it's a mess in many ways.
but we are so free and we can vote and say what we think and babble on and on about our opinion and worship freely.
we are so blessed.
take a tiny look at the world around you and you will see that we've got it good.

let's not take that for granted, k?
courageous men and women have fought hard to give us this freedom.
we have to be good stewards of that freedom and do our part.

soooo....all that to say, get your booty in gear and go vote!!

p.s. i will be on pins and needles tonight watching the outcome...will you??

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1 comment:

  1. Yes ma'am.I surely did. Since we are a military family, we sent in our ballots a few weeks ago. I sure hope they were counted.
    Hubby and I watched the election coverage last night til midnight.
    Pins and needles describes it perfectly, then an upset stomach.
    However, today is a new day and God is good.

    Have a wonderful week!!


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