Friday, November 16, 2012

our little side business

we have had the best time getting our flea market booth up and running.
it's meant for some late nights but we are both so pumped that it's been fun.

on wednesday, the littles went to a special mother's day out so the big boys came with me while i painted  and set up the booth.

they were so good.
they sat in the booth next to us and did their homework.
they kept telling me what a good job i was doing. :)
they're such sweet boys.

on thursday AJ and i got to have a daytime, set up the booth with starbucks, date. :)

yes, i was slightly over-the-top excited.
calm down, sara.
date + coffee + this guy = good times.

so we got it all set up and i thought. . . okay. . . that's a start.

i wasn't really sure how much stuff i needed.
we decided to just get stuff in there and see where we need to go from there.
and looking at it, we realized we need a whole lot more.

well woo hoo, mama gets to go shoppin!!
and woo hoo, mama gets to do more crafts.
win. win.

okay, so i'll show you what we've got in there for now....but rest assured, we'll be adding a whole lot more.
and i'll keep you updated as we do.
don't you worry your pretty little head.

it was hard to part with that yarn wreath.
you know i love a yarn wreath.

who needs a vintage pennant?
everyone. that's who.

also, could barely part with these little antlers.
they are amazing in every way.
but the booth needed them so i released them.

okay. are you near northwest  arkansas?
come have a look see.
all my treasures. tell them i sent you. :)

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