Friday, November 9, 2012

instafriday instagrams

hey y'all.
i'm sitting on my bed in my pajamas.
listening to the faint sound of children in the other room....trying to gear myself up for another full day.
they can't come out of their room until 7, so if i get up early enough, i have some good alone time every morning before they wake up. here we week via instagram....

last friday was a perfect fall day to take a little field trip to the battlefield.
we went with my step mom and little sister . . . who, incidentally is not really little anymore.
she's fourteen somehow and i feel old.

we had a great time walking around the grounds, learning some civil war history, and enjoying a beautiful fall day in arkansas. 

ruby was on the move.
i couldn't not get her to stay still for one second to get her picture.
she's a busy, busy lady.

i watched my first christmas movie this week.
which i will be doing incessantly for the next two months. 
baking, drinking a hot drink, and watching a christmas movie = a little bit o' heaven for this girl.

speaking of baking...i made mounds dessert...i'll give you the recipe next week.
in a word, YUM.

and now for some homeschool day snapshots.
if you don't know...our boys attend a university model school where they attend two days a week and i homeschool them the other three.
this is right after breakfast.
the boys help clean up or play with ruby while i clean up from breakfast and get ready to start our day.

we try to start our homeschool days snuggling on the couch.
we read Jesus Calling for kids and have some prayer time.
we don't always get this done but it definitely helps.
sometimes i get in a rush and just want to get started...i need to work on making this a priority.
i know it's such a good habit for them to get into.

sawyer usually does a few preschool pages or a preschool activity then watches some pbs while i work with the big boys.
ruby checks in with him to see what he's doing before moving on to digging cereal and crackers out of the cabinet or unrolling the entire roll of toilet paper from the bathroom.

avery has a thirst for knowledge.
he loves school and loves to learn new things.
i am amazed at his stamina for school work.
i am amazed by him in general.

ruby has started playing with the farm set that was aj's when he was little.
so adorable.

okay those are my snapshots of the week....what have y'all been up to?
link up your phone pics with me over at jeanett's for instafriday....

life rearranged Pin It


  1. great post! I'm interested in hearing more about the type of homeschooling you do, I don't have any kiddo's quiet yet but my hub and I have been throwing around ideas and opinions about homeschooling and the way your family does it sounds really interesting! Also, that farm set is so sweet, I remember having something like that as a kid and loving it!

  2. we do that same devo before we kick off our home days too. I too, often get in a rush and sometimes push it to the side. Our attitudes are all so much better when we spend time with Jesus first. Have a good weekend!


  3. oh how i miss autumn in the ozarks!

    i've got a new hobby blogg'n space - come say 'hi' sometime. :)



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