Thursday, November 1, 2012

trick or treaters

i loved scrolling through facebook last night and seeing all the adorable costumes.
so fun.

if you've read my blog for long, you know that i'm not a halloween fan.
but i do have three little boys who love to dress up.
and we like fun, yes we do.

we don't make a huge deal out of it.
we don't spend a bunch of money on it.
we throw some costumes together and get some candy and eat some fall food.

we have some fun, make some memories, and raid their candy bags when they go to sleep. ;)

my boys got some crazy candy loot this year.
i may or may not have just eaten their milky way midnights.

they ate more than i care to admit last night.
i'm not one of those mamas who say they can only have two pieces.
that's just crazy talk. ;)

i say, let's stick to a baker's dozen, shall we? :)
although i really am not sure how much avery had.
i figure if he gets a stomach ache, he'll learn a valuable lesson.  :)

yeah, the rubes wasn't feeling the photo shoot.
but she sure is a cute little elephant. 

the boys were so pumped to carry guns. 

yes we can!

bummed i didn't get a pic with AJ in it.....he was an army guy too...but you know how it goes...

what about y'all? 
do you dress up? do you do a theme? or just hodge podge from your dress up clothes like we usually do?
if you blogged about it, leave me your link so i can see! :)

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  1. I love this! I am so like you when it comes to candy. I am pretty sure my kids skipped actual dinner and just had candy. Oh well! :)

    I have three girls and they love to dress up. I've been lucky that they have wanted to do a group thing all these years. Here are the links to the last couple. Cheap costumes and fun make-up go a long way! :)

  2. Love it!!! Went to our fav place, Potters House, got Indaina jones costume for 10.00!!!! Included shirt, pant, leather jacket (fake), hat and whip x 2(in case one got lost)....score for mommy, J loves it!!! Karen McCratic

    1. yay he finally likes to dress up!!! seriously, you scored. now sell it at rhea lana's next year for twice that. ;)

  3. A baker's dozen?! You are speaking my language! We are so not fancy around here, just hand-me-down costumes and/or dress-up box costumes.

  4. I'm not a huge halloween fan either...I just don't like dressing up that much! We had a very low key halloween, my husband loves to carve pumpkins so that's the only real thing we did :) I was rosy the riveter a couple years ago for a themed dinner at school, I liked dressing up as someone with historical significance! Also, ruby is the cutest little elephant I've ever seen!

  5. Love your costume! I hate spending money on Halloween, too. Eva was a ballerina with a tutu we already had. I had a super hero theme at work and made a costume involving an American flag as cape and a paper cut out. Good times!


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