Friday, June 11, 2010

friday randomness

1.   many of you have asked about us selling our house and where we're going.

well . . .  we don't know.
aj and i believe the Lord is telling us to sell our house.
so that's what we're doing.
we honestly have no idea what will happen after that.
but we are making a step in faith.
God will give us just what we need at just the right time.
He always does.

2.  thank you all for your sweet words about our friends leaving.  also thanks for all your sweet comments about the living room rug!  it's so great to get such encouraging comments. ;)

3.  we've had swimming lessons this week.  it's fun, but we are worn out!  i do water babies with sawyer for an hour and then chase him around while the big boys do their lessons for the next hour.
it's so worth it though. 

in an effort to let avery be a boy i was teaching him how to carve with a pocket knife this morning.  all was going well for about an hour.  you know where this is going, don't you?  he picked up finley's piece of wood and started to carve it.  as i was saying "look how you're holding it, you need to face it away. . ." . . .at that second it slipped and sliced straight into his thumb, through the nail. yeah. i am not great in those kind of situations.  but i was the only adult here so i put on my big girl mama pants and got it taken care of.  but my stomach hurts even writing about it.  i had the presence of mind to get a butterfly bandage on it and ice it and give him some tylenol, all while staying calm so he wouldn't freak out.  i even taped it up and he went to swim lessons.  thank goodness he's had a tetnis shot. the crazy thing is that earlier this week i accidentally jammed a hollow needle into the crook of my finger while trying to clean gunk out of a leapster.  i know, ridiculous.  i'm so reminded of how fragile our bodies are.  no more accidents, please!

avery found a snake skin right by our house. creepy.

6. looky what i got in the mail yesterday!!
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  1. Bless you and your family as you walk by faith!! What a scary but AMAZING thing you all are doing! I cannot wait to see what the Lord works out!

    Poor Avery! I have to say, it sounds like you handled the situation like a champ! I would have been FREAKING out!

    L-O-V-E your Toms!!! I wasn't so sure about the wedges but I just might be sold! Are they comfortable?

  2. I admire your faith! [and TOMS!]
    happy weekend :]

  3. So sorry about you and Avery's fun!

    I want an update on your cute new shoes...comfiness level? I thought I'd let you be the guinea pig. : )

  4. your faith is so inspiring. so is your patience! that's the part i always struggle with.

    thank you for joining in the giveaway fun over at my blog.
    hope your day is a happy one!

  5. I love your blog and had to comment! We just put our house on the market 3 weeks ago for the very same reason...not at all sure where we will go, but excited to see where the Lord will be leading us.

    I'll be teaching at Providence again this year (west campus), so maybe we will run into each other!


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