Tuesday, December 28, 2010

christmas part 2

christmas morning.
at home with our 3 boys.
sweet & happy.
they get to open their stockings first thing. . . before breakfast.
i love collecting little things here and there throughout the year for their stockings.
{by the way, i did not get new stockings made....i realized i didn't have enough material so we used the ones we had}

then breakfast...amish french toast. they didn't love it as much as aj and i did. but they will someday. what's not to love about brown sugar & pecans?
after breakfast, aj reads the christmas story.
we spend time thanking Jesus' for coming to earth to be our hope.

they each get a couple of small things and one main gift.
avery got a skateboard {he is thrilled}.
finley got a fish tank & got to go pick out his fish yesterday {the only thing he asked for for christmas was a pet}.
sawyer got a little people magna doodle {which he doesn't write on but insists other people draw him pictures}
around lunch time my step mom and little sis hannah showed up to spend the rest of christmas day with us.
another wonderful christmas meal....roast, potatoes, rolls, jello salad, green bean casserole, the best sweet potato casserole, and of course, sweet tea.

and that is where i planted myself for the rest of the day.
it was lovely. Pin It


  1. Weird question - but where did you get your sofa and is it hard to keep clean with 3 boys?

    Merry Christmas! I love your blog!

  2. Merry Christmas Sara.... Thank you so much for your blog. Your family is soo cute and I love the fact that you speak of the Lord in your blog throughout the year! God bless you and your family :)

  3. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was about the same! God bless you and your family this new year!

  4. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! And man, that french toast looks GOOD!

  5. Beautiful! Just one question- how do you keep your house so clean?

  6. serah...it's the pottery barn basic sofa that i bought off craig's list. i bought the white cover off ebay. :)
    dana...i don't keep it so clean. :)

  7. I know your new home isn't quite there yet. But it is so much home, like your posts, they are so much HOME. I smile every single time I read. God Bless and keep you and all of yours Sara.

  8. I love reading your blog, and just wanted to say Merry Christmas. I agree with Cindy and with courtney linn. You and AJ are great parents.


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