Tuesday, December 21, 2010

recycled christmas crayons

this is a really fun christmas craft project with kids.
and it's free.
music to my ears. :)

we made these for the boys to pass out at school.

avery was my helper for this project.
finley said he'd rather just come in when we were done and say, "good job."  :)

okay here are the steps:

1. gather up your broken crayons & remove the paper.
we ended up having to use some full crayons as well to have enough.
avery peeled.
i sliced the paper off with a kitchen knife.

2. sort them by color

3. break them into small pieces and fill up your tray.
we used one silicone tray & one mini muffin tin.
fyi: if you don't want to lose your mind scrubbing the pan afterwards, use a tin that you are only going to use for these.
*look at these cute alphabet ones meg made & the gingerbread men jenny made.
4. bake at 250 ish & check at 10 min to see if all the pieces are melted.

5. put them in the freezer until they are hard & they'll pop right out of the tray.

the hardest part is taking all those papers off the crayons...but otherwise this is a super simple & fun project.
i loved having one on one time with avery.
we listened to christmas music and drank hot cider while we worked.
also, i have learned to only use crayola crayons, no fake brands. otherwise you will get a weird clearish waxy layer on one side of them.

later that night i put a couple crayons in each little clear bag & stapled on a cute christmas tag & ribbon.
sorry i don't have a picture but it was a bit hectic getting them to school with all their christmas party paraphenalia. :)

 in other news . . .  i do not enjoy moving. 
i try to not be negative & complaining on my blog . . . who wants to read that? 
but seriously, moving is not very much fun.
so i don't want to act like it's all rainbows & butterflies.
it's overwhelming. 
and i still don't feel settled.
the last time we moved i had one child.
this time i have 3 busy boys who make messes everywhere they go.
it seems for every one thing i pick up or put away they get ten more out.
and also it's christmas...which is fun but brings a whole lot of it's own business & activity.
i'm not writing this for you to feel sorry for me.
we are all happy & fine.
but i would be lying if i said i didn't feel pretty stressed right now.
and also, finley got the stomach flu last night which resulted in us missing our community group christmas party & me missing my christmas shopping day today.
so, boo hoo. okay, that's enough whining for one day.
i'll go get my act together now. 
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  1. I seriously love the crayons! Praying for you and your family this Christmas... :)

  2. I was TOTALLY going to do this today until I saw your note about the cheapie crayons. I bought those on a whim and HATED them...my two year old can't PUSH hard enough to color with them...so thought maybe this would make them workable. Boo. Oh well, in the garbage they go! Merry Christmas!!

  3. I’m sitting here. Studying my Bible, writing out what I learn. And clearing out a suddenly appearing gazillion spam comments – grrrrr. And not with family. And writing hope. And forgetting to remember what I write, moments after I write it.

    I say that, to say this, I’m glad you wrote that last part. It’s nice to know there are other human, humans out there.

    God Bless you and yours, Happy “I don’t know how you manage it all” Christmas - to you and yours.

  4. That looks fun could you hang out with me sometime and we can do that together?


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