Tuesday, December 14, 2010

christmas is pretty.

i think a house always looks its' best at christmas.
even if i don't have every thing put in it's place and every box unpacked, i have to decorate for Christmas.
i didn't go all out.
i left a lot of decorations in the box.
but it's christmas in our house and it's happy.
each of the boys have their own tin of ornaments that they get to put on the tree wherever they want.
they are their special ornaments that they've made along the way.
 sawyer jammed at least 3 ornaments on every branch.

i call it a family tree....meaning we put all our ornaments on . . .  a mixture of my pretties and the boys' homemade and ornaments we've received over the years.
it's cozy and i love it.

i made a garland out of the left over book pages i had from my book page wreath

two nights after we moved in, we decided to have a family night and set up the christmas tree.
it didn't happen.
everyone was crabby and fussy and that's no way to make memories.
i declared, we're not doing this tonight! not with everyone fussing at each other!
the boys were not happy. 
but we tried again the next night and we had fun and all enjoyed each other.
i was super glad we waited.
it was fun and happy and so great watching the boys exclaim over all the ornaments.
i am loving this real wood fireplace.
no more blue flames of glory.
and do you love my wire basket of logs on the hearth???
because i sure do. 
that's what i envisioned for that basket since i got it at a yard sale in may.
and now it's fulfulling its' purpose.
also i felt so outdoorsy hauling wood in. . . of course i was only picking logs that would look nice in the basket, so that probably canceled out the being outdoorsy part.
 this year i gathered all my antique ornaments and put them on a little tree in the kitchen.
they are a collection from aj's grandma and ones i collected from the thrift store.
i think antique ornaments are absolutely gorgeous.
i love all the different patterns and colors.
 seriously, they make me so happy.

merry christmas friends!
enjoy this sweet season. :)

*do you want to see more christmas lovelies?....go here. Pin It


  1. Very pretty - your mantle is gorgeous!

  2. Love your decorations! You are funny too! Didn't take you for a lumberjack! If you need more wood ever, my parents have 26 acres of fallen limbs.

  3. The family tree is perfect.

    And a wise choice made – there is no fussy in Christmas :)

    Thank you for the Christmas smiles.

    Merry Christmas to all of you

  4. I love your milk glass... I have begun to eye it at thrift stores but not yet to find any to purchase but I'm sure I will soon :)

  5. I clicked on your link on the Christmas Tour of Homes because I have that exact same ornament and om obsessed with vintage!!! Love your stuff!

  6. Loving seeing this little glimpses of your new home! Looking forward to even more. And love that you actually HAVE a mantle (because I don't) and I think it looks BEAUTIFUL!

  7. i love that star slash frame over the mantle! supercute.

  8. Your son is so cute and I love when he smiles at me.:)

  9. Is it weird that I smiled liked a ninny through this whole post? Your family tree makes me happy because that's how we decorate too. There are no themed trees with coordinated ornaments at our house. There are dainty glass balls next to the free veggie tales figurine, some branches with ten ornaments and huge chunks with none. It's a good system. My tree currently has no ornaments on the lower third, because that's as high as my toddler can reach. And that's okay.

    Your house is beautiful and I am *SO* jealous of your wood fireplace!! We have a gas fireplace we never run because it's more of a glorified heating vent and it smells weird. Looks like you are making really good progress!

    P.S. Did you make that frame on the fireplace that says blessed? Did I miss the tutorial on that? ;)

  10. Yea! I am finally caught up on your blog! I have been missing out due to all the busyness.

    It was great to see you tonight (or I guess last night to people who have already gone to sleep...yeah...had some projects to finish before going to my parents tomorrow)...I know...shame shame, but it's that crazy time of year. : )

    Love you! Merry Christmas!


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