Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i love this so much.

i had this video on my sidebar but i think it's so awesomesauce that i want you all to be sure and see it too. :)
it really is so happy.
children make everything happy.

did you know that i have fun links on my sidebar?  i do.  look under {i'm currently digging}.
now watch this video and smile.
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  1. It's all super cute but it is the donkey that just pushes me over the edge. Love it!

  2. Love it! Reposted onto my facebook. Thanks for sharing it, I hadn't seen it!

  3. So cute. I loved the kids in the video and the that kids narrated the movie.... To cute!

  4. just now getting to sit and watch this. adorable! so so sweet.


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