Friday, December 10, 2010


no time for pictures today.
i'll be back to posting regularly and keeping you all thoroughly entertained in a jiffy. :)

we're getting a little more settled each day.
finding a place for everything.

even doing a little christmas decorating. :)

this is a great house.

lots of space, a bright, cheery, big kitchen.
i like it.

i haven't done any christmas shopping.

it's supposed to snow next week.

i bought an orange old navy puffy vest at a fleatique for 2 bucks.
i have been thrift storing like a mad woman for the past month.
i'll show you my finds soon.

next week is our 10th anniversary. :)
we are getting lovey dovey pictures done tomorrow.
kind of like engagement pictures except minus the denimn button down shirt.
and plus 10 more years of loving under our belts.

i like having 2 floors.

happy friday friends!! have a lovely weekend. :) Pin It


  1. What's your anniversary date? It will be 7 years for us on the 16th, woohoo!
    Glad your settling in, can't wait to see pics!

  2. I'd like to tell you that your posts - they feel like home - like fresh cornbread from the oven. I pray that you and your husband have a blessed anniversary. And I think in no time at all you and your family will make this house - a home - I think it already is.

  3. Happy Anniversary!!! I knew the moment i saw you dancing in Wal-mart, snapping off-rhythm to "i've got rhythm" that you would be the best SIL in the history of the world. So I'm really glad you married my brother. and I'm sad you're not wearing a denim shirt this time. it's making its slow way back, you know, albeit a little less on the thick and huge side.

  4. Woah!!! What a sweetie that Craig dude was, right?

    Wish I"d said it.

    OH well. You know I can't get enough of you.

    TWO FLOORS!!!! Boys running up and down stairs! Hearing their feet above you while you attempt a date night at home! Having the LUXURY of sending them up there in the first place!

    So glad for you! And it is no small wonder, the loving for 10 years thing I do love being around you two for the sole way you smile pretty constantly at each other.


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