Friday, December 17, 2010

one project at a time, i'm going to whip this house into shape.

confession: it's 2:30 in the afternoon and i'm still in my pajamas.
it's been a lovely day.
first day of the boys' christmas break.
i slept in until 7. that was lovely.
no homeschooling for 3 weeks. super yay.
and looky looky what fun project i'm working on....
last week my friend erin and i found an awesome flea market.
we both walked out with an armful of treasures.
i found these great barstools for six bucks!!!

i'd been looking for barstools for about a month.
the super plain-jane barstools at walmart are $40 for a pair.
there was a pair {that would need to be cleaned up} at salvation army for $15.
when i saw these, i'm pretty sure the heavens parted and angels started singing.
2 for 12 bucks, plus padded seats and they are in great shape.
yes, please.

they are super fun and funky, but i had a different look in mind for them.
i cut off the retro material and left them as is, for about a week.
i grabbed a quart of black paint that i've had for forever.
i bought it for $1.50 at the restore several years ago and i've used it for tons of projects.
when the legs are dry, i'm going to staple on some natural muslin i have on hand and they'll be done.
i'm very happy about the extra seating for when we have large groups over for dinner.
i think i need to find one more to have a set of three. :)

also, i have to tell you that i found the. best. paint. color.
it's called faded burlap and i love it.

a couple of girlfriends and i painted the kitchen before we moved in.
it was a celery greenish color before.
i like the celery, but i wanted a more neutral-go-with-anything color.
enter, faded burlap.
it's just a really good neutral. not pinky at all. no yellow or green undertones.
just nice, light tan.
when we repainted our last house i poured over paint samples, taped a bunch to the wall and hemmed and hawed over which one to choose.
in the end i didn't love the one i chose. it was just kind of blah to me.
right before we were going to paint this kitchen, i ran into lowes with 3 boys in the cart, grabbed a handful of paint samples, and asked the guy which one wouldn't turn out pink.
and really, i was sold at the name, faded burlap.
 that just makes me happy.
so that goes to show you i should just make paint decisions on the fly or use mis-tints. no more overthinking it.

here's another view of the kitchen {the only room in the house that's clean}
my white plates that are sitting on the buffet are going to go on the wall above it.
i want to do a chalk board on the opposite wall.
i'm working on window treatments.

i hope to show you one room at a time {b/c that's all that will be clean at any given time} as i get them done.

okay i think it's officially time to get out of my pajamas. :)
have a wonderful weekend everyone..... Pin It


  1. HOW COULD YOU CUT OFF THAT FABRIC????? A thousand lashes with a wet noodle, missy. I love that retro fabric. It's so fun and funky. :)

  2. I have to be honest. I usually run when I see a blog that includes words like “faded burlap” “natural muslin” and “window treatments” – but it all sounds so warm when you write about it.

    God Bless you and your hubs and the home new home you are creating.

    And Happy anniversary to the both of you.

  3. The dining room is so big! I love the buffet table in there! Happy nesting!

  4. would you mind sharing what brand the faded burlap is from? thanks!

  5. I love the wall color, I love the chairs without the retro print, I love the dining room...but I also love the teal legs. Curious to see what they look like when they are done - but I know everything you do turns amazing, so I'm not worried ;)

  6. jessica, it's from lowes. i'm pretty sure it's Olympic, primer plus paint in one. :) hope that helps.

  7. thanks y'all...except karen. we are no longer friends.
    would you like me to dig through my trash and bring you that fabric??? :)

  8. Just found your blog and I LOVE IT! :) Beautiful color on the walls! Come visit me at!


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