Tuesday, January 3, 2012

four months.

ruby turned four months a couple of days before christmas.

we had some unseasonably warm weather when we got home from kansas so we were able to take her four month pics outside.

ruby jane is such a delight.
she is very smiley and happy.
she has become so content.

she's sleeping well.
during her awake time she likes to lay on her play mat or sit in her papasan chair.
she likes to hold little toys and put them in her mouth.
she blows raspberries.
she rolls up on her side, but not all the way over.
she holds her little hands together nearly all of the time.  yes, adorable.

ruby loves to be talked to and really loves to be sung to.
whenever we sing "Jesus loves me" she squeals in delight. :)

ruby smiles really big when we look at her and talk to her.
she sucks on her hands a lot.
she is completely a thumb sucker now...no paci at all.
and when i say thumb, i mean she shoves her entire thumb in her mouth all the way past the knuckle with her fingers open.
being able to self soothe has helped her a ton in sleeping and the car seat.
she rarely cries anymore.

ruby weighs a little over 12 pounds . . .  she is a petite little thing.

to say we are all head over heals for her would be an understatement.
she is an absolute joy in our home and we are so very thankful for her.

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  1. too. cute!!!! Time flies, I can't believe she's already 4 months old! Love your blanket/chalkboard idea. All of those are going to look really neat compiled when she's bigger!

  2. She's so cute! Give her a kiss for me.:)

  3. I am a new follower and just wanted to say hello. My little girl just turned 4 months a couple of days after Christmas like Miss Ruby. :0)
    I love reading your blog...you have such fun ideas. I linked up to Instafriday last week and mentioned your Salted Carmel Chocolate pretzel goodness. Thanks for the recipe. It was huge hit!!!!
    Look forward to following you and your precious family!!


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