Wednesday, January 25, 2012

paper hearts ~ a simple little craft

just brought a little happy to my mantel this week.

i made a stack of hearts while we watched the cosby show on sunday night.

i ran them through my sewing machine to make a simple valentiney garland.

this is seriously easy.

it makes me smile every time i see it. :)

i used extra scrapbook paper and card stock that i had on hand.

if you'd like to do this without sewing you could punch holes in the hearts and string them on red yarn.

happy crafting!

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  1. such a good idea! i was just thinking of how to put a little Vday sparkle in my apt.

  2. silly question: did you cut out the hearts free-hand, or did you have a punch? mrs. non-crafty wants to know. :)

  3. :) folded the paper in half and cut out half a heart shape. open up and there's the heart. i like that they're not all uniform this way.

  4. I love it! You and me need to get together sometime so U can show me how to add the extra pages on my blog.:)


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