Thursday, April 26, 2012

adventures in spray painting

it's official.
there's a new love in my life.
i broke up with krylon and have now fallen head over heals for valspar.

i have been using krylon for years because it was at wal-mart {convenient since i'm shopping there anyway} and a good price.
well, i have switched and i won't be going back.

this valspar is soooo much better.
it's way less drippy and took less coats for really good coverage.
i'm a fan.
it's only about a dollar more so it's def worth it to me.

i think i've finally settled on the color for ruby's high chair.
when i bought it, it was natural wood but i knew i would paint it.

last month i painted it a pale aqua that i had on hand, but it just wasn't doing it for me. 

i went to lowe's and picked up valspar's tropical oasis gloss spray paint.
i think i did 3 light and even coats on a sunny, non-windy day {waiting at least 5 min in between coats}.

i am letting it cure for a couple of days before ruby uses it, but i am so happy with it!
i love the saturated pop of color.
i love the high shine and easy wipeability of the gloss.

now i want to find more things to spray paint!
i feel more confident to try bigger projects now that i know how good valspar is. :)

what about y'all? do you have a favorite brand of spray paint? 

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  1. Total change and great color. Power of spray paint rocks.

  2. I usually choose according to the color selection rather than brand. Valspar seems to have a lot of choices! You're right, the light blue was nice but this color is a knock-out! Nice work!

  3. looks soooo nice. love it!

  4. Cuteness! I'll be painting a sweet old bed frame for my two older girls and I just may steal this color! :)


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