Thursday, April 19, 2012

all over the place

hi friends.

ruby and i had a girls' outing today.
we went to lowe's.
i'm raising her right.
i was so giddy.
it's been too long since i've been in there.
i bought spray paint and wood.
i nearly skipped out of there i was so happy to be doing a project again.

yesterday afternoon i was a used car salesman.
i wheeled and dealed with a woman who wants to buy aj's car.
i got her to a good price and was feeling pretty pleased with myself.
ten minutes later i backed my car into it.
not kidding.
seriously, the timing was nutso.
i was on the phone with aj at the time.
good news, bad news.
bad news: i yelled so loud that he thought i hit a child.
good news: the car was nothing compared to that so he wasn't upset about the cars in the slightest.
thankfully he never gets upset about those types of things.
which is a really good thing because i'm working with about half a brain here peeps.

speaking about pride coming before a fall.
this morning all three boys had dentist appointments.
you've seen our dentist.
it's like a magical dentistry playland.
avery and finley have always been amazing at the dentist.
not one ounce of resistance or fear.
i always felt a bit smug when other kids were wailing or fighting the dentist as my two boys cooperatively sat there and got their teeth cleaned.
then we had sawyer.
oh mercy, that child is psycho about the dentist.
don't you dare put that spinny toothbrush in his mouth.
you might come away with one less finger.
our appointment 6 months ago was a real treat with me sweating, holding a tiny baby ruby who hated her car seat and pretty much laying on top of sawyer to keep him down.
luckily today he didn't actually scream bloody murder.
but he did manage to spit the contents of his mouth out all over the sweet hygenists, kick his feet and clamp his mouth shut.
it. was. awesome.

thank goodness for children...they keep you humble.
and so does backing into your husband's car.

oh also, i wanted to tell you....i totally want to reply to your comments that you leave me.
i've been replying to your comments on my page and have felt so on top of things.
well, now i realize that those don't get emailed to you...i think you actually have to come back here and see if i responded to your comment or question. is that right?
i'm a technical genius.
i can email respond to some of you but some of you are no-reply bloggers.
do you know what that means?
here's tutorial to fix that. :)

have a happy thursday!

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  1. good to know...i changed mine :) thanks! also, did ya'll sell the car?

  2. Ugh, the only thing worse than having an accident is when you have it with another of your own cars! Looking forward to seeing what that wood and spray paint turn in to!

  3. Oh my goodness what a week you had! You're a brave woman. And I know just what you mean about kids keeping you humble.

    Not too long ago while staying in line for Redbox I discovered that one of my boys had put a dead snail-of-sorts from the park in my purse. The stench was horrendous (like fish sauce) I was so mortified because other people in line must of figured the smell was coming from me!

    After days the smell was still lingering from my purse.

    The happy side to the story is that I bought a new purse. : )


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