Monday, April 2, 2012

sunshine and overalls

we are having summertime weather already.
it was high 80's all weekend.
yes. please.
i love it.

we spent all day saturday working in our yard.
i pulled weeds from 8:30-3:00, only stopping for lunch.
my legs feel like i did 1000 lunges.
i'm walking like an old lady, but our landscaping sure looks nice. ;)

life has been so busy lately. . . i feel like i'm constantly working on a never ending to-do list.
i literally can not fit everything in a day that i need to.
i've been praying and asking Jesus to help me to focus on the most important {eternal value} things and let the rest slide.

i finally got around to editing the bazillion pics i took of ruby in overalls.
we have a photo of each of our boys in the same overalls at 6 months old.

this wasn't something i planned out in the beginning, but after i had a pic of avery and finley in them at the same age, i knew i had to continue the tradition. :)

i took about eleventyhundred pics, trying to get the one.

here are some of my faves....

these were taken in 3 different photo sessions, over the course of a week...a few weeks ago.

it was a bit challenging to get a pic of her sitting up since she was still too wobbly to sit on her own at that point.

and this is when she got tired of being propped up in a chair and did her standard, thumb in the mouth, rub the back of her head, sleepy pose.

then we tried was a little sunny & windy, but she was a trooper. . . in a metal basket.

i love those little bare feetsies. 
so sweet and small. :)

and....back inside....

so now i have to decide which one to frame to go with the boys' pics.
there's not one perfect shot that's an obvious choice.
good thing perfection is not the goal around here. :)
i'm happy that i captured Ruby, just as she is, at this sweet time in her life.

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  1. Oh my the one of her in the basket after you went back inside 2nd from the last is perfect!!! So cute. Jelous of your weather:)

  2. Aww...I like them all! Those will become even more special to you as the years go by. Did you make her headband? It is too cute!

  3. aaaah! i can't take it! she is too adorable...such cute pictures, and she has beautiful eyes. have a great day and wnjoy the weather.


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