Tuesday, April 24, 2012

mama finds

just thought i'd pass along some of my favorite mama things.

#1. seeds family worship.

that video is just a little sampling of the awesomeness that is seeds family worship.
my sis-in-law gave us a cd last summer and we love it.
we listen to it in the car regularly and now we have all memorized a bunch of new scriptures.
scripture . .  .set to music . . . that we all enjoy. . . perfect.

i was just looking on the website and see that they have a ton of neat tools for families.
scripture memory cards and a printable checklist.
that rocks.
we're doing that.

#2 okay this is so girly.
but i think this falls under the mom category, so we're sharing it.

in case you can't read it, it says total effects eye transforming cream.
this stuff actually works.
well it should for how much it costs for that little jar. 
but it is so worth it.
after i had ruby, i really noticed my eyes looking so. old.
i noticed a difference within a week of using this.
now every time i look in the car mirror, i don't gasp in horror at my eye wrinkles.
crisis averted.
at least for now. 
also, i've had it since september and probably used a fourth of the jar.
money well spent, i'd say.

#3 okay this is more of a wifey link but it ties in. 
gotta be a good wife to be a good mom.

anyhow, i'm reading this.
i'm only through chapter two but it's kicking my tail.
good stuff that i'm trying to learn.
old habits die hard. 

okay that's all i have for today.
anyone else have some great mama links or finds that you want to share?
if enough of you are interested, we'll start a mama finds linky. let me know. :)

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  1. Good to know. I love seeing beauty products that someone recommends before I take a stab in the dark and buy one! By the way, did the puffy eye roller work that you tried several months ago? Been wondering about that one... This book looks great too. Going to check it out.

    1. No, that eye roller didn't really work. At least I never really noticed a difference. I will still roll it on every now and then just for good measure. But, I've never noticed a difference. :/
      A friend of mine bought the same thing and had the same results. So i'd pass on that one!
      hope that helps!

  2. Totally interested in that eye cream, it's very helpful getting recommendations before shelling out the extra cash for a product that might not work. The mama finds linky sounds like it would be great!

  3. Love the tip on the Seeds of Worship! I have a couple of CDs that have put scripture to music, but I love the sounds of these ones and will be buying them through iTunes soon hopefully. Thanks!

    Also, I turned 31 last month and my eyes turned 50. It's totally bumming me out.


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