Saturday, April 7, 2012

easter preparations

we've been preparing our hearts.

we observed lent again this year.
growing up baptist and mennonite, we weren't raised observing lent.

last year we started the tradition with our family.
choosing to say no to our selves.
die to ourselves.
take up our cross in a very minuscule way.
focus on Jesus and learn to be more like him.
learn, again in a very small way, to sacrifice.

we talk and read and talk some more about the true easter story.
about our sweet savior who took on all the pain and sin and suffering in the world so that we could be made right and whole and spend eternity with Him.
we read from the Jesus Storybook Bible this morning.
i cried all the way through the story of the night in the garden of gethsemane and Jesus' cruxifiction.
i can't wait to read tomorrow's story.

we're watching this video again . . . Glory to God, Sunday's coming.

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1 comment:

  1. enjoy your easter day, sara, and your beautiful family.:)


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