Tuesday, April 17, 2012

mother letters

do you need some mama encouragement today?
my friend amber and her husband seth have curated an ebook, called Mother Letters.
what started as a sweet gift from seth to amber has become so much more.
it is encouragement for all of us mamas out there who need to be reminded, again, that we are not alone.
the ebook releases today and i cannot wait to get my hands on it.

"The letters were to be written by mothers, and were designed to share stories, encouragement, or wisdom with other mothers."


mother letters is having a link up party today through mother's day to share your mother letter.
share yours or be encouraged by reading those posted there.

this is mine . . .

Dear Mother,

Motherhood is so complex. There is nothing that could have prepared you for this. You just have to walk in it. Sometimes it's so good and sweet and overwhelmingly wonderful that your heart might burst. Other times, it's so lonely and frustrating and just, honestly, irritating.  Being a mama makes your heart hurt so bad in your chest at the thought of your babies ever leaving the safe little bubble that you've created for them. You want to do it right. And perfect. And love them so well. And nurture their soul. And stimulate their mind. And teach them to be great. You also want to let them go enough so that they learn to spread those wings and become who God created them to be. My heart tightens in my chest at the thought of them being hurt in any way. I want to swoop in and protect and just generally be there for them at all times . . . loving them and encouraging them and letting them know that I'm there. Motherhood holds the most extreme joy and intense pain all at the same time. Much like childbirth...pain and joy all intertwined and messy. Being a mama is not for wimps. Part of you is walking around in the world and separating from you more with each passing day.
But it is so, so good.
It is the hardest and most amazing job you will ever do.
It is a good work.
And Jesus is with you every step of the way.

Blessings sweet mama,


*something wonderful....mother letters gives back. a portion of every ebook sale goes to the Mercy House in Kenya.

p.s wouldn't this ebook be a wonderful mother's day gift or gift for a new mama?

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  1. Sara, friend, I love how you say it, that "You just have to walk in it."

    So true.

    Thank you for this.

  2. What a sweet book! We served at a church with Seth & Amber many years ago but I didn't know they were undertaking this venture. What an accomplishment! Thanks for sharing this. Your letter is so heart-felt and right on target.

    1. Whoa! Hey Jennifer!

      I can't believe I'm in a virtual room with you! :)

    2. Hey Amber! Been too long since we've been in a "real" room together! Love checking in on you guys periodically on the www. What a sweet family!

  3. What a beautiful letter. I have to say...you are one of my favorite blogs, and I look so forward to each and every one of your posts. You are such an inspiration to me and I have 'copied' many of your ideas.

    Have a great Thursday.


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