Monday, April 16, 2012

our kitchen

this is our kitchen.

this rent house we live in is pretty quirky.
there are things that i absolutely love about it {hello pool. hello huge yard. hello wraparound porch.}
there are also things that are not my favorite.

all that to say, the kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in this house {the living room is also a fave}.
this kitchen is big, bright, open & has tons of cabinet space.

i love how much light this big ol' window lets in.
it is very happy to have such a big window right by our kitchen table.
i also love these vintage curtains.
gray & olivey green floral. perfection.

this is the view, looking toward the front door.

and then this is what you see when you first walk in the front door.

yes, the light fixture is off center....another rent house quirk.

back door and a little girl high chair.
although, i think i'm going to repaint it again.
i just don't love this color in here...i'm thinking a more saturated teal.

yes, our fridge is crazy.
that's life with 4 young children and i'm okay with that.
it says that life is going on in here.

i love white cabs in a kitchen.
it's bright and happy for a room we spend a lot of time in.

another quirk...formica that goes up the wall.
hello house built in 1980.

so that's our kitchen/dining room.
it's not perfectly decorated, but it is happy and functional and evolving along the way. :)

click these links for more info:
*book page wreath
*painting our kitchen table
*hanging plates

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  1. LOL maybe I'm weird, but that door next to the fridge would be so much better if it opened the other way....
    Otherwise what a lovely room, so bright and cheery. LOVE those curtains, the tin on the sideboard, and the highchair.

  2. You do such a great job with your house, it's lovely!

  3. I still LOVE your kitchen table. It may be my favorite table of all time! And I was going to comment on how much I love how the highchair turned out before you said you didn't really like it. I think it's perfect!


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