Wednesday, April 11, 2012

seven months

ruby is already seven and a half months old.

she is such a dream of a baby, i can't even tell you.
she is sweet and happy and smiley and cuddly.
when i pick her up, she reaches out to me and holds my face.

she continues to love to hold her feet and grabs them whenever she gets a chance.
she is sitting up better and better . . . although not entirely on her own yet.

she started eating all kinds of vegetable and fruit baby foods this month.
she will suck her thumb in between each bite if you aren't careful.
she doesn't seem overly excited about eating baby foods, but she takes them just fine.
except puffs.
only baby i've ever heard of that doesn't like puffs.
she just spits them out and they hang out on her chin.

ruby has been babbling more and more and seems to be testing out her voice.
pretty sweet. :)

this girl loveslovesloveslovesloves her big brothers.
the feeling is certainly mutual.
she gets a huge grin when they talk to her and is always looking to see what they're doing.
i pray that these four will be best friends for life. 

ruby is taking good naps and sleeping well at night.  
she does great in her car seat and will hang out happily in it when we're out and about.
at home she is loving her exersaucer and swing. 

she is changing so much . . . all the time. . . growing and learning and winning our hearts more and more. :)

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