Monday, October 29, 2012

generous tuesday

let's face it.
the holiday's are coming.
and i loooove them.
i'm already thinking of what christmas movies i need to watch come november first.
i need to get a good two months out of those.

i love the whole holiday season...which i pretty much consider november first through january first.
however, i am feeling that little bit of panic about all the stinkin consumerism.
oh's hard with kids.

there is part of me that reels at all the generous acts that Christians amp up around the holidays.
i know that sounds bad.
but part of me wants to be fussy and say, we should be serving/giving/loving all year round.
not just at Christmastime so that we can give ourselves a pat on the back for doing something good and making ourselves feel better about our overspending and overindulgence.

on the other hand . . .
better now than never . . .
better something than nothing at all . . .
and good is good. 

i do want to encourage myself and others to be serving, giving, pouring out our lives every day of the year . . .

and i also want to encourage you all to be considering how we can truly love like Jesus this holiday season.

i want to tell you about generous tuesday.

we've got black friday and cyber monday . . . and now generous tuesday.
a slowing down and refocusing.
an intentional choice to give generously.

"The simple and powerful idea that Generosity can change a life has inspired Generous Tuesday. It's a day to kick off the holiday giving season that celebrates enriching the lives of others through Generosity.Join us in living generously." 

let's keep generosity at the forefront of our minds this holiday season.
sometimes i think generosity of time is the hardest of all.
our pastor always says, "are you spending your time, talents and resources on what matters?"

let's think of ways together that we can do some generous acts on generous tuesday.
i'll be thinking with my family. . . y'all be thinking with yours and we can encourage each other.

generous tuesday is backed by pure charity.
through pure charity you can:




Change the world with Pure Charity! from Pure Charity on Vimeo.

you can browse projects that you want to support and earn money towards your favorite projects just by doing your holiday shopping through pure charity
just click to your favorite store through the pure charity website and you're earning money to give generously.

i'm excited to start looking through the projects with our kiddos.
i'm looking forward to choosing projects to support and seeing updates and photos of the impact we're making.

i want to be intentional to live. generously.
i want to push myself and challenge myself.
not so that i can say "rah, rah, go me," but so that i can take one step closer to living like Jesus did.
i want to bring that cup of cold water to the thirsty.

i look forward to being challenged by you all and the ways that you live generously.
let's encourage each other, shall we?

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