Thursday, October 11, 2012

a quiet house, timmy riggins, and some wallpaper

hey y'all.
i have a quiet house.
and all God's people said, "amen." :)

i've had some really long and nutso days lately.
the kind of days that feel like they will never end.
the kind where i keep telling myself, "bedtime will come eventually."

when i get a quiet afternoon, it is bliss.
i sure the heck don't take it for granted.
today the big boys are at school and the littles had mother's day out this morning.
now they are both home and napping.
i love thursdays.
i miss my kids when they're gone...even for a few hours....but i do crave these moments.
moments to eat a cupcake and watch friday night lights in peace. :)

soooo, we saw our first christmas commercial last night.
and it made us both really excited. :)
i'm excited to start on christmas crafts and projects and decorating and food!

okay, i have a great link for you all.
rebecca at older and wisor has a whole series called "31 ways to wrap your crap."
i love to read her blog.
she is a hilarious writer and she also has a love for cheap decorating and crafts.
she's my kind of people.
anyhow, i loved that series and i thought you guys would too.
especially with the holidays coming up.

i love wrapping presents.
i've always wanted to work at the mall at one of those gift wrapping counters.
that dream has eluded me. sigh.

anyhow, inspired by rebecca, i had fun wrapping my mom's birthday present last week.
i used wallpaper that i got for free at an estate sale {holla}, and old book page {i keep a stash of those} & topped it with a ribbon bow.

you can make even a box of coffee exciting when you top it with a book page fan. :)

happy thursday, friends!

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  1. Very cute! One of my friends was a professional gift wrapper for a while. She did it from home, and people actually paid her to wrap all of their Christmas gifts. :)

  2. So cute! Oh, how I can relate to the long days. We just had our 5th a few months ago and it is LOUD around here. Whew.

    I volunteered one day at a gift wrap booth at the mall- I learned lots of wrapping secrets!


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