Friday, October 5, 2012


happy friday, y'all.
what have you been up to?

we've had a good week.
very full, but really good.

last weekend we had a really chill weekend.
the only thing we had planned for saturday was a birthday party in the morning.
where we let our baby daughter wander around the park with an entire slice of pizza.
fourth child.

i added a silver bucket to the mantel because i can't leave well enough alone.
i will probably mess with it and add and take away until it's time to take it down for christmas.
which i am started to get exciiiiited about.

this girl.
oh man she is yummy.
her blue eyes kill me.
and everything else about her.
she is such a fun, happy little girl.

also i love little baby dresses so much.

mounds ice cream bars.
hold the phone.
did you know they had these???

mounds are my favorite candy bar so this is exciting news.
i exercised self control and did not buy them, but you better believe i texted a pic to AJ because i am not subtle.

i got to go out for girls' night last night.
it was so fun and the food was amazing. 
such a treat in the middle of the week!

i am so thankful for these fun and precious friends!

{ fyi: i am short but in my defense they are wearing heels and i am not. ;) }

so today is going to be a pretty busy day and tomorrow morning i am running a 5K!
very excited.
also it has been high in the upper 70's, low 80's all week and tomorrow it will be in the 40's.
i believe the weatherman said, "winter like conditions this weekend."
woo hoo. 90% sure i will have snot frozen to my face when i cross the finish line.
thumbs up.

happy weekend, friends!
thanks so much for reading and commenting.....y'all are the bee's knees. :)

life rearranged

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  1. Good luck with your 5k! I'm sure you will do awesome!!

  2. Been constantly shifting my fall mantle too :) Yours looks great!

  3. love the mantle - especially the scale with the pumpkin...i did the same!! :-D still adding a couple things to mine, as well.

    that is a BEAUTIFUL little girl! good luck with your run!

  4. I will be thinking warm thoughts for you tomorrow! :)

  5. Popping in from Life your mantle! The frame with the pennant is so cute!

  6. Your little & her pizza are so cute. Love her shirt. Your mantle looks beautiful.


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