Friday, October 12, 2012


hello world.
thanks for stopping by my little space on the world wide interwebs. :)

if you're new....instafriday is my weekly roundup of instagram/phone photos over the last week.

this week has been very full and busy...pretty much like this entire fall has gone so far.

on tuesday the littles and i went with the wet cement {potter's house} kiddos to farmland adventures.

we had a great time seeing all of our wet cement friends.
the weather was perfect and it was fun to spend time doing something fun with just sawyer and ruby.

sister loved the corn box.
she was so sweet and just sat there running the corn through her hands.
and miracle of all... she left her bow on!

this pic is from later in the afternoon....playing at the big boys' school.
i love her wide legged walk. :)
she is so good at walking and waddles all over the place right now.

we got to do something fun and nerve wracking this week.
can't tell you yet.....all in good time.
basically we're movie stars. ;)

we live in a college town that has a very eclectic and funky vibe.
i drove around down town yesterday and there are vintage stores popping up all over the place.
they are so fun and inspiring.
two thoughts:
1. i want to own one and 2.  i want to spend all my money there. :)

i saw these cute yarn candy corns that look so fun to make....looks like it's just yarn wrapped around styrofoam cones.

sissy l-o-v-e-s a wagon ride. 
even when she is snotty and cranky i can put her in the wagon and she's so happy and content.
she bounces up and down and smiles. 
we pull her up and down the driveway and all around the yard. 
love her.

okay friends...that's my week in a nutshell.
what are y'all up to?

life rearranged Pin It


  1. Stoping by from InstaFriday, can't wait to see why you're on TV! A new follower :)

  2. I'd LOVE to own a vintage shop too! My dream. And your dining area looks LOVELY!

  3. Oh my goodness, I would love to own a vintage store too! :) Your kiddos are so cute. :)

  4. I made those yarn candy corns last year! They were super easy and they look super cute! Can't wait to see why you are famous! )

  5. I can't wait to see why you are famous now!!! And I can't believe how BIG Ruby is getting!!! She's so are all your kiddos =)


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