Friday, October 26, 2012


do you guys do instagram?
it's definitely my favorite app....pinterest is a close second. ;) {yes, even with my love-hate relationship}

you don't have to have an iphone or android to see all the lovely photos on instagram. 
just google around and you can find several websites. 
i'm itsgoodtobequeen if you want to follow me. :)

or you can just check back with me every friday for instafriday and i will chatter on about my week and share all my instapics. 

okay let's start with last friday...i had a sweet little window of quiet time in the afternoon when Avery was at basketball practice, two littles were napping and finley was reading. 
i snuck in a little reading time of my own...curled up on the couch in front of the fire. 
doesn't get much better than that. 

okay so it wasn't exactly light and fluffy reading but this book is soooo good. 
and convicting. 
and kicking my tail.
but also encouraging...that God is in process with me and He's continuing a good work in me....even when i feel just sick over myself and my habits that i can't seem to break. 
it's a good one.  . . a good challenge...i recommend it. :) 

let's fast forward to monday......we got several days of indian summer this week and enjoyed the heck out of being outside. 
back porch dessert with twinkle lights in october...pretty nice. 

sawyer loves to pick out his own outfits.
he's so current in his pattern on pattern. 

the boys have had fall break the second part of this week.
it's fall break for mama homeschool. woo. hoo. 

we decided to take advantage of the last sunny, warm day and head up to silver dollar city. 

it was perfect weather. 
it was so fun to go do something fun and vacationy in the middle of the week. 
it was just a great family day and we had so much fun. 

it's fun to see ruby getting older and being able to enjoy our outings as well. 
she did lots of walking around and playing in leaves....and watching her brothers ride rides. 
she missed both her naps but was still sweet and happy and smiley. 
so thankful that ruby is such a happy girl when we're outside. 

the big play sandboxes are one of sawyer's favorite things.
this time the sand was red and sparkly.
and so was ruby's face, dress, mouth and hands. ;)

we finished our fun day with front row seats to a wild west show.
it was so great and the boys loved it. 

yesterday morning, sawyer and ruby went to mother's day out so the big boys and i took to the trails. 
i am so thankful that we took advantage of that time and didn't just run errands or something lame like that. ;)

we had such a special time with just mama and the big boys.
i really wanted to do something that is harder to do with little ones and a stroller in tow.
we love hiking and exploring so we went to lake fayetteville and just took off into the woods.
i feel alive in the woods and i think my boys do too.

we hiked around and went on any trail we wanted. 
we collected a bunch of fall leaves and acorns and talked all about nature. 
we sat and stared at the lake and just enjoyed some sweet time together. 

so that's our week in a nutshell.
it was a good one. :)
and now our indian summer is gone and a cold snap is feels like winter all of a sudden.
time to get a rick of fire wood.

what have y'all been up to? 

link up your instafriday posts here...

life rearranged

happy weekend, friends!

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  1. You're SUCH a good mama, Sara! And I love that you make a point to instill an appreciation for the great outdoors in your kids, so important!

  2. I wish I had a smart phone so I could have instagram. It is so much easier than lugging my camera around everywhere. Someday!
    I swear, those boys of yours are the most adorable thing. Those smiles slay me. Precious!


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