Thursday, October 18, 2012


thursdays are my one morning of the whole week that i have by myself.
i love it.
and i miss my kids.
i know that's silly.
but i am so very thankful for those few hours to jump in and out of the car, drink whatever i want and not have to share, listen to my music, and slooooowly peruse the thrift store and target.
my happy places.
i pretty much always hit up those two places on a thursday morning.

today at the thrift store i found a sweet floral corduroy dress for the rubes.
old navy. $1.47. score.
also, two canvas for 50 cents each.
can't wait to dream up something fun for those bad boys.

target was a mix of looking through the clearance clothes and grabbing snack foods for tomorrow night.
we are hosting my 14 year old sister and her friends for her birthday sleepover.
wish us luck!!

i did find a few clothes for myself, mostly in the $3 range.
i did not try them on, so we'll see....

okay would love to stay and chat but i've got to get this house clean before said party!

happy thursday.....what are y'all up to?

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1 comment:

  1. Target clearance--the number one reason I cannot do Target in less than an hour. I can run in and out of any other store, no problem. Your comment about drinking whatever you want--YES. I miss the days when I could buy myself a QT drink without unbuckling four kids and also purchasing them a slushy. It's just too expensive and time consuming!


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