Tuesday, October 2, 2012

clear the stage

hey friends...

i heard this song on the radio this morning and i cannot get it out of my head.

it is so, so good.

pondering and praying about what idols i have set up. . . and asking Jesus in His mercy to help me tear them down.

watch this video....surely it moves you too?

okay i have a quiet house for the first time in i don't know how long, so i'm going to go get something done . . . and listen to this song a few more times. ;)

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  1. Hey - this is actually an old Ross King song - from the "To Make God Famous" CD I think, or maybe the one after...love that it's getting more mainstream play now!

  2. Actually it's the "And All the Decorations, Too" album :). It's all really good & convicting.

  3. love this song. thanks for sharing it! Sometimes I get sick of all the money-begging on Christian radio so I miss out on new songs being played :)

  4. Thank you for sharing! This is an awesome song! I just downloaded it from iTunes.


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