Friday, October 19, 2012


this week has been a little more chill.
i need to get better at scheduling.
i know that AJ and i both need at least one night during the week that is just our family at home, nothing going on.
we've had far too many weeks this fall with something going on every single week night.
not good for my sanity, peeps. not good.
this mama needs some space and down time.
thankfully this week has been one of those weeks.

so....i finally decided i needed to get myself in gear and start working with sawyer on preschool stuff.
he loves to do it and i need to make the time for it.

this week, while the big boys were busy doing their school work, sawyer and i pulled out the preschool books.
my little lefty sure is cute learning to write his letters. ;)

speaking of sawyer....this kid has ideas.
he wears a cape or some sort of costume every day of the week.
he wore a trash bag as a cape to walmart last weekend.
this was his outfit of choice on tuesday....

sawyer is very much his own person and i love it.
i love the innocence of three years old.
i remember when avery and finley used to dress up every day.
miss those days, but it sure is fun to get to live it again with sawyer.

tuesday was AJ's birthday so the littles and i took him out to lunch.
i love getting to see him in the middle of the day.
we are so in love. ;)

that night we celebrated his birthday at home with our little family.
i made cheesecake because aj's birthday = cheesecake.
a birthday calls for the best ever cheesecake. 

AJ spent a lot of his birthday evening playing hide and seek with the boys.
he is the best daddy to our kids. 

i see him in there reading books to his boys and i stand in the doorway and think, "wow. they have it all."
they have no idea what they have or how good they have it.
do they need anything else in this life?
i am so very thankful for this man.
so thankful that we get him to be ours.
so thankful that our children grow up with a loving, doting, engaged daddy. 

and lastly lets have an obligatory fall tree shot....from our yard!

fall in the ozarks is breathtaking. 
i need to drive around with my big camera this weekend and take some pictures of the crimson red trees.
they are amazing.
the boys made a big leaf pile under that tree yesterday. 
one of my favorite things in all the world is watching all three of my boys play together. 

welp, i think it's gonna be a cool, fall day today. 
i think i better build a fire. 
and wear a sweater and boots. 

happy friday y'all!!

{p.s.} thank you so much for reading and really means so much. :)

life rearranged

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  1. Autumn is my favourite time of the year, I love how the leaves change colour, We have spring now, and all the new leaves are also very beautiful. Have a nice weekend

  2. Isn't it the most wonderful thing in the world to have a man who is a great father? I have that in my own husband and I am so very thankful for it. I think of when the kids grow up and others are talking about their issues and they will be able to say, "I don't have Daddy issues, I had a great dad." Best feeling in the world. Have a wonderful weekend, Sara!

  3. I love how you honor AJ. Just made me smile. I hope he reads it---what an awesome birthday gift for him! )

  4. What a nice post about your husband - you are blessed! And I might have to try that cheesecake recipe, it looks delicious. Have a great weekend.

  5. I, too, am blessed with a wonderful husband who is also a great daddy to our girls. Seeing him with them just melts my heart! Lovely post. Have a great weekend!

  6. Your family is adorable! Happy fall. So jealous that you get to wear sweaters & boots. It's still so warm here. Happy birthday to AJ!

  7. So sweet! Happy birthday to AJ! You go for making that cheesecake! I've been wondering if it really is the best ever, but I don't cook, so... guess I won't be finding out anytime soon! Ha! So cute about Sawyer. I need to do some preschool stuff with my little guy, too. It's amazing how much he talks to me when big brother isn't dominating the conversation. :)


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