Monday, October 15, 2012

hello, monday.

we had a lovely weekend.
didn't want it to end.

we had hardly anything on our calendar which was so wonderful.
our week days are so full right now that we feel like we're spinning.
at least i do.
it was such a relief to have some down time this weekend.
we lived it up.

we did mountains of laundry and switched out all of the winter and summer clothes.
this entire basket is full of boy jammies.

i think it's time to pare down.
i rarely buy pajamas....but they seem to multiply because whenever the boys get tshirts from activities, they go in the jammie drawer.

i also got started on getting clothes ready for rhea lana's consignment sale.
i love getting rid of stuff.  :)

on saturday morning we went out to farmland adventures again. 
i love that place.
if you click the link you'll see fin's pic on the front page of the website. :)

as is pretty much standard lately i forgot my big camera. 
that was a bummer because it is so stinkin' gorgeous out there.
i did manage to snap a few with my phone.

we weren't sure about going since ruby has been sick for a week now and she's just pitiful.
we were so glad we went though because she is so happy when she's outside. 
and it was perfect weather.

i want my own corn box. 
that thing is awesome. 

it's so pretty out there. 
it's in the middle of land and hills and trees as far as you can see.
every time we go out there we are reminded of how much we dream of living out in the country. 
i come alive when i'm in the country. 
someday. . . 

the only sadness was that they didn't have fried twinkies on a stick this year.
break my heart.

i am so grateful that we had a relaxing family weekend.
monday's are always hard after having a weekend all together. 
back to reality and i miss my husband already. ;)

okay, time to put on my big girl pants and gitterdone. :)

happy monday, friends....let's make this week a great one!

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1 comment:

  1. What a fun place! You guys are just the cutest. Have a great week, Sara!


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