Monday, January 28, 2013

a boy and his gun

saturday was a big day for avery.

avery has wanted a bb gun for a long time.
like, years.

AJ and i didn't grow up with guns so we have been pretty slow about this {read: dragging our feet}.

avery had some birthday money to spend and asked if he could get a bb gun.
i was hoping he'd chose the bow and arrow, but that pretty little daisy won out.

he kept saying, "thank you mom, for letting me get this. i didn't know you'd let me."
his sweet thankful heart made it so fun.
i loved watching his joy as AJ taught him all about it.
he had avery read the entire instruction manual and then narrate it back to him.
he thoroughly went over all the rules and how to safely use the gun.
such a good daddy.

our boy was totally in his element and had the most fun.
he talked about it all day and didn't want to put it away.

of course, finley had to get a bb gun lesson too.

after they shot several times, aj taught them some kind of shooting game where you shoot from different angles or something like that.
i had gone inside by that point. ;)

we were both pretty nervous about letting him have a gun at first, but we are so glad we said yes.
their joy made it so worth it.

we truly are blessed with the most sweet, thankful boys.
so happy to get to be their mama.

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  1. Gun safety, taught with a less dangerous weapon like a BB gun is a good plan.
    My son started with a paintball gun, but got a Red Ryder for Xmas this year. The first day out with the paintball gun he came inside within minutes because of the 'the minute you point that at someone, even accidentally, we're done shooting for the day' rule. Let me tell you he's learned that lesson fast.
    My biggest conundrum is where to hide them all when his friends come over to play... I am thinking of making him a lock box for them, cause that is what I do after all, upcycle and rework items into something new. LOL


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