Monday, January 14, 2013

better late than never?

so it's driving me crazy that i didn't post any pictures from thanksgiving.
especially since my dad-in-law took a bunch of great pics with his big fancy-pants camera.

so here i am, posting thanksgiving pics in january.
thumbs up.

okay so . . . to refresh your memory . . . and mine . . .
we had most of aj's family here at our house for thanksgiving.

it was a par-tay.
aj's sis & bro-in-law have 3 boys and a girl as well.
those six boy cousins lovelovelove each other.

they are silly and crazy and have so much fun together.
i pray that they are life long friends.

on thanksgiving morning, the guys took the boys out to the woods to tromp around and generally get out energy.

how cute are they?

the ladies were thankful.  ;)
it gave us a nice, quiet morning to get the meal together.

i love making a turkey the day of thanksgiving.
i also loved making some of my favorite southern dishes, sweet potato casserole and cornbread stuffing.
aj's mom and i joined forces for the meal.
she brought several things down, already ready to go.
it was delicious if i can say so. seriously. so yum.

so thankful that God put ruby and arden at the end of the pack together so they will have each other amongst all these boys.
i know they'll love each other.

my only regret is that we didn't get any pics of the grown ups together.
oh well...that seems to be life these days. ;)

okay now i feel better.
thanksgiving, 2012, check. :)

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  1. Definitely better late than never. These are just wonderful pictures. The one of the boys from behind...that one should be framed and put up on Grandma's wall. So stinkin' cute!

  2. I love the pic from behind of all the boys lined up!


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