Friday, January 4, 2013

goals for this new year

okay so not the world's best family photo, but we're all six together so it must be documented. :)

i have been thinking a bunch about new years resolutions.
plans for the new year . . . goals.

last year i didn't do resolutions.
it seemed like too much pressure and i didn't want to write a big long list of things that i would probably  not accomplish anyway.

there are so many things i would like to be doing and can get overwhelmed if i start focusing on everything i'm not doing well.

so this year i'm keeping it simple.

three goals. 

1. speak wise words.  have a joyful answer on my tongue.  full of grace.  let this be my habit.  go to response = grace.

2. pursue an ever-deepening walk with Jesus. let Him be my everything.  let Him change and mold me into His girl.  pursue His path for me and let all others go.

3.  read one book a month.  {working my way slowly through 1000 gifts right now. it is so. good. }

pretty simple, but i'm excited about them.

what are your  thoughts on new year's resolutions?
do you have a big list or a few goals or nothing at all?
 I've done all three so you're in good company. :)

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  1. Beautiful family pic and beautiful goals as well!

  2. I am not one to do resolutions usually. However, our pastor challenged us this year to commit to something. To resolve to live for Him. So, we sat down as a family and make some resolutions. The common thread was strengthening our family. Since that wasn't planned, we are going with it this year. Each member is going to do something to help our family this year. I am excited!


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