Friday, January 25, 2013


snippets of our life over the last two weeks . . .

i come by my love of thrifting honestly.
my mom loves a good thrift or antique store just as much as i do.
she brought me a whole stack of vintage goodness the other day.
this sweet handkerchief is my fav-o-rite.
clearly that was meant to be ruby's.

she also brought my grandma's cookbook from when she was first married. love.

we tried a new bakery a couple saturdays ago.
piles of cream cheese.
three flavors of whipped cream.
oh yes, we will be back.

so happy to have our boys back at providence.
we spend our saturdays watching these sweet  boys play.

 sweet vintage plaque in my booth.

poor sissy has been sick on and off and mostly on all winter.
bless her cotton pickin' heart.
we've had our share of hanging out at the pediatrician.

family favorite... i use meg's recipe.

still loving this book.
it's so hard to put down.
i've got to book it to finish by the end of january.

love this cute, snotty girl.
and her belly.

aaaanndd...sick again and back to the peds.

 a very long day was rewarded with a date night!!
sushi and talking with my sweet AJ was perfect and such a blessing.
also we got lots of great people watching in at all the college students out on the tizzy.
i was mystified at how it was 19 degrees outside and they were all wearing tiny little sundresses.

happy home schoolers.
thankful for peaceful days and getting into a routine.

also the milk frother and almond joy creamer just brings me so much joy. :)

ruby loves to play with the magnetic letters . . . as long as they stay put.
when she puts them on backwards and they fall off, she stomps her feet and fusses and tells them what for.

we had a nice library visit this morning right when it opened.
it was super quiet and we had the kids area to ourselves.

okay friends...that's my week in a nutshell.
what have y'all been up to?

link up for phone pics with me here.....

life rearranged

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  1. Oh!! Love that cookbook! I have one from my grandmother, too, and I treasure it. Sorry Ruby has been so sick. I spent this morning in the peds office, too, finding out that my youngest has her first case of strep throat. :(

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. She is just the cutest little thing.

    Keurigs have a FROTHER?

  3. all great pictures...the one with ruby in her white hat is so adorable. my kids used to love the magnets on the frig also..and my son used to also get so mad when they fell off the frig. he finally figured out why eventually and put them on the right way. haha. enjoy the weekend.

    Have you seen this? I never made it through 1000 Gifts, but I'm hoping to now that I've seen this book club with videos of Ann herself talking about the book!

    Love your Instagram posts, by the way. They always make me appreciate my own day-to-day life and the beauty of just living life with our family. Thank you!


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