Tuesday, January 22, 2013

hi, there.

fair warning, this will be all over the place.
i've got thoughts and i want to share them.

#1. today is the last day to enter the No nonsense leggings giveaway.....just leave a comment here: http://www.itsgoodtobequeen.net/2013/01/i-no-no-nonsense-kind-of-girl.html
super simple.
can't wait to see who the winner is! :)

#2.  i do not love it when perfect strangers comment to me in front of my three precious boys, "you finally got your girl" with a huge smile on their faces.
ummm....how am i supposed to respond to that?
almost as helpful as "wow, you've got your hands full!"
i know they mean well...but i am over the moon for my boys and i don't want them getting the message that they were just tryouts until we got the prize.
no, ma'am.

i do however appreciate when sweet people say, "you've got some good helpers."
yes, i do.
they are blessings and i am so happy to have my hands full with them.

#3 last night at dinner, we're doing highs and lows.
i say that my high is having a really nice, peaceful home school day.
i say that my low is sawyer disobeying and throwing fits.
sawyer says, "that's my high."

#4 this post Parenting: It's Never An Interruption  is so good.
it's worth the 5 minutes it will take you to read it.
i've been mulling it over and it was just what i needed to read this week.
convicting and reframing my thoughts.

#5  this little beauty has been sick on and off all winter.
hoping she is building up one heck of an immune system.
is it time for spring yet??
we are ready. ;)

#6 so far our home schooling days are going much better this semester.
we seem to have gotten in a really good groove and we're all enjoying it.
i am thankful.

okay i think that's all for now.

happy tuesday, y'all!
meet me back here tomorrow to find out who has a hot pair of leggings heading their way!

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  1. I can so sympathize with the girl vs. boy comments. We have four girls and now we're expecting a boy. The comments can be so rude! Oh, well, I wouldn't trade my four girls (and now my 1 boy) for anything. ;)

  2. I second the thought about the boy/girl comments. We JUST found out baby #2 is another boy and some of the comments from family were "well, I guess you are going to just have more kids, right?". My husband was so offended. This precious son that we wanted/prayed for is NOT a speed bump towards "the perfect family". We struggled with infertility with both pregnancies and we are just so thankful for the gifts that God has given us with SONS! What an honor to be parents in the first place. Anyways...Love seeing pics of your boys, they are every bit as beautiful and wonderful as their baby sister. It is no mistake who God places into a family.

  3. Completely agree about the boy/girl comments. We have three girls. The youngest is 5 and people still ask if we are planning to try for a boy as if our girls are not good enough. We are so blessed to have these beautiful girls and suggesting that we NEED a boy to complete our family is just absurd and rude.

    #3 - that one made me giggle although I'm sure I wouldn't be giggling if one of mine said it! :-)

  4. Trust me I get those kind of comments from complete strangers too. I have 3 girls and I always get "so you didn't get a boy huh? "Were you trying for a boy". I usually respond with yup I have 3 girls and no God blessed me with only girls. I also get "boy you have your hands full all of the time". But your right I do appreciate when people say "gosh you are so blessed to have girls or they are sweet kids".

  5. so glad to know i'm in good company, y'all. :)


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