Tuesday, January 15, 2013

wanna hear something funny?

yesterday i was standing at the kitchen sink watching finley and sawyer play on the trampoline together.
they were playing so sweet and happily.
i was feeling so thankful that they get to have each other.
i was stopping and taking notice of the precious moment.
i went over to my 1000 gifts log and added to the list,
*boys happily playing together and *i get the joy of watching them from the window.

no sooner had i put my pen down, then finley is coming inside screaming at the top of his lungs that  sawyer had bit him on the face {!!!} because he wouldn't play silver dollar city with him and instead wanted to swing.
are you kidding me?
seriously. i couldn't make this stuff up.

and now i will give you a laugh at my expense because that's how nice i am.

today the littles and i were at hobby lobby.
sawyer and i have to go to the bathroom {of course, because it's hobby lobby and hobby lobby makes you have to go to the bathroom. this is a proven fact.}
we go in and it's totally empty.
i help sawyer get situated.
then i go to the bathroom and ruby is happily running around the bathroom.
i decide to go ahead and leave the stall door open because no one is in there and i can keep an eye on the kids better.
not sure why i felt like i was at home or something?
i'm such a weirdo.
anyhow...i figure, if i hear the bathroom door swing open, i'll just quickly shut my stall door and all will be fine.
again, this was assuming that i'm not a total goober.
which we have now established, is not true.
anyhoo...doing my bidness, i realize there's wifi.
because of course i have my phone handy.
so i just start scrolling through my instagram.
{i can't believe i'm telling this to the world.}
all of a sudden it dawns on me that it's not just me and the kids in the bathroom and the feet i hear are not my kids!
i quickly shut the stall door and realize there are two more people in the bathroom!
one lady already in the stall beside me . . . so she had to walk past me . . . sitting on the potty, looking at my phone. . . and one lady standing right in front of me!!!!
seriously, why do i do these things?
and yeah, i just gathered up the kids and got our hands washed like it was no big deal.

bet they didn't expect that when they came to the restroom!

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  1. Oh my! So funny!!! And yes... totally agree that Hobby Lobby makes you have to go to the bathroom. Never fails! :)

  2. Laughed so hard I was shaking. But since I wasn't reading it on the toilet in a HobLob, no one really thought I was all that weird. :)

  3. That is funny! I've done the open door thing to keep an eye on my kid too...just without the phone, but I wouldn't hold it pass myself either, heheh. : )


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